Sunil Kumar is a versatile individual who works on the ground as a Field Officer. Under this, he gives technical assistance to Farmers to carry out Organic Farming. Alongside, he also trains and guides other people working on the ground. He has completed intermediate from the Board of Bihar and has tremendous 7+ years of experience. He has enormous practical exposure of directly working with the farmers.
Previously he has worked in various NGO’s like PRAN, VRP, SEW and has diverse field experience. He has worked in the states of Uttar Pradesh, Odisha and Bihar. He has given training and various demonstrations to numerous farmers in the field of Organic Farming and is certified as an “Organic Farming Trainer” by an NGO based in Parsari.
He was awarded as “Best Organic Farming Trainer” from Gram Pradhan Bidhan Nagar, Block Chalsa, Jalpaigudi District, West Bengal and also from KVK, Jaunpur. He has diverse on the ground and practical experience in Organic Farming and is contributing immensely to our mission of imparting sustainable farming methods.